Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ginger bread (German: Lebkuchen) vs Pepparkakor (part 1)

Some of you might think, how is she even able to think about ginger bread right now? It's still warm outside and summer has just gone. But I'm also Swedish and in Sweden people eat a different style of ginger bread, it's called Pepparkakor.

Pepparkakor are made of cinnamon and other spices one might attribute to Christmas. But in Sweden you eat it all year long: In the summer and winter time people add a kind of a buttermilk which is called filmjölk or eat it with soft cheese or just as it is.

German ginger bread is different, it contains nuts and candied lemon peel / candied orange peel. But I cannot say which one I prefer I'm also half-half in this decision. :)

This weekend I bought my first German ginger breads and I've also got my old cookie jar and YES I've already tried some ;)

I guess I won't need the jar least not for the first package of ginger breads.



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